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Well, I guess it's time for another post of shame. My September billing cycle is paused, which means:

  • current patrons will not be charged for their current pledge amount on October 1st when Patreon processes pledges (you will still have access to all my content here on Patreon)
  • new patrons will be charged for their chosen pledge amount when you sign up because my page is charge up-front (you will still gain access to all my content here on Patreon)

I don't even know what to add to this, honestly. I'm so damn stressed about everything that's going on in the US that I'm practically devoid of joy and can barely bring myself to indulge in video games and youtube content to pass the time, let alone try and push myself to draw.

At this rate, I'm tempted to just say that my page will remain paused for the rest of the year because I don't know that I'll be able to bring myself to draw again until I know we're actually in the clear.

It's bad enough that we're still dealing with Covid in such a large capacity, but it's impossible to see how everything regarding the current administration and the upcoming election is going to do anything other than devolve further into a literal nightmare. I hope I'm wrong, I really fucking do, but the people and leaders of this country aren't doing a whole hell of a lot to support that outcome...


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