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I've had people message me in the past and apologize for having to cancel their pledges due to various financial issues and I've always given them the same reply: don't worry, take care of yourself first. And, I mean that because that's been my life for as long as I can remember; always living paycheck-to-paycheck, always having something overdue, always wondering if we'll make ends meet, have food, etc. I know how much it sucks and I wouldn't dare encourage people to spend money they don't have on my art.

That being said, at the end of each month, I tend to lose $50-100 in pledges...which is legitimately devastating to see. It means I have to spend the next 1-3 months trying to figure out how to regain all that lost income instead of looking to the future and how to keep growing. Patreon starts charging patrons at the end of every month and I honestly dread it, I expect every new notification to be a deleted pledge.

What's the problem? A lot of it is me, there's not really two ways about it.
-I offer very few rewards because I feel like I'm incapable of doing more
-What rewards I do offer are usually late and/or limited in quantity and quality
-I barely interact with anyone in the community, so I have no good will with my audience and have no connections with fellow artists who might be willing to help me grow

I could go on and on criticizing what I do wrong, but I guess at this point I should just ask you all a question instead: What are some things you think I should do with my Patreon in order to bring people in, make them want to stick around, and actually help my page grow with some level of consistency?

Critique me, give me advice, throw out some reward ideas, let me know what other artists do that's fun/successful. Please, help me do better.


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