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Forgot to make this one a poll, whoops. >_>

This vote is active until February 10th at midnight (EST).

Gonna be honest, I'm drawing a pretty big blank on growth sequence ideas this month. ^^; So, if it's alright with you folks, let's give the previous losing ideas another chance to see the light of day!


How does this vote work? Well, it's really, really simple:

  • I pick a few characters who I'd like to draw
  • I explain the ideas I have in mind for each of them
  • Then you vote for the idea that you like most!


IDEA #1 - Morrigan (Darkstalkers): Morrigan has acquired an ancient artifact, but struggles to reveal its great power. Taking note of its phallic form, she decides to try a more "intimate" approach by sliding it inside herself, a tactic that she finds to be very effective (and satisfying)~

This will be a three-part sequence. The succubus's shapely hourglass figure will be amplified and she'll soon find she's running out of extra head room as she becomes a seductive mini-giantess!


IDEA #2 - Riven x Zac: Short summary: my comic idea that I honestly probably won't ever be able to finish in it's full comic-strip glory. BUT, I have to do something with it and some of you have been waiting way too long for me to continue it.

This will likely be a three or four part sequence, a very simplified version of what I originally intended to do. It will involve Riven's belly being pumped full of Zac's slime, testing the limits of her Battle Bunny outfit! 


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