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I held off on making this post for a few days because I didn't want to make a drastic change to how I do things without having some time to think of alternatives.


As I briefly mentioned in the first part of the Miia sequence, doing fancy, clean line art pics still takes a lot out of me. This is because of two things:

1) My 'perfectionist' mentality is usually counter-intuitive to making art, leading to me getting caught up in details and being disappointed with how much time I've "wasted". This becomes even more true when drawing the same character repeatedly (ex: for a sequence).

2) It physically strains my arm to the point of not wanting or not being able to draw. Admittedly, this tends to be a problem with how I have my tablet configured and I'm always messing with settings to try and reduce the strain (I think my latest changes will help this a lot).

So, what's happening? Well, first and foremost, I'll be lowering my quality bar just a little bit in order to make sure I can keep producing art. This will mostly be a change to how I do my lines, they'll be a bit rougher and less refined. I won't be downgrading to stick figures with boobs or anything like that, so don't worry. :P

I also need to stick to some kind of consistent schedule for how much art I can make and when I put it out. I still dream of being able to pump out multiple pics each week, but until I can actually do that, I need to manage the chaos a bit better.

How will uploads change? Actually, despite how scary all of that may sound, they should just be more consistent. The biggest problem is investing too much time into Patreon projects at one time, which then creates gaps in my upload schedule for Deviantart and Tumblr. That just stresses me out and it's no fun for the public peeps who are just waiting to see more art.

So, I'm going to stick with two pics each week, one for Patreon (if I need to do one), followed by either a commission or a personal pic. This should greatly reduce how much I have to worry about getting my mandatory work done in order to do bonus projects and cater to those waiting for commissions. This all may sound super obvious when you read it (and it is), but it's easy to get caught up in the idea of "I've gotta do more" and that's what's been happening for a while now.


Hopefully you had fun reading another one of my infamous walls of text and hopefully these changes will make this whole art thing just a bit more enjoyable for me as well as all of you. :)


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