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I guess I should start this by saying I feel like I've reached another burn-out point. Maybe I've been working too hard, maybe I've been too lazy and become complacent.

Whatever the case, drawing has felt like a  struggle for the last couple months, I stress about coming up with ideas and get frustrated when I finally do come up with one and can't even make a simple sketch that does the idea justice. This all may sound odd since I still produce several finished pieces each month, but trust me  when I say art can be a real hassle for me a lot of the time.

What can I do? Well, the obvious course of action is to finally put in some  practice for areas that I'm struggling with or lacking in: anatomy, posing, perspective, backgrounds, using references, audience  interaction, actually taking commissions somewhat consistently instead of once every 3 months, etc.

But, even though I can identify a number of issues, it's still important to get outside opinions. So, what do you think I should do in order to improve as an artist and a member of the community?


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