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Yes, this is a public poll on deviantart and tumblr, but I'd like to have a dedicated Patreon vote to see how this affects you folks, specifically!


While being sick and stressing about this month's work load, I've decided to dedicate some of my brain power to thinking about how my Patreon currently works.

Basically, I'd like to accomplish the following:
1) Limit rewards that aren't "fair" (ie: picking idea suggestions at random).
2) Cut down on the stress of completing/managing rewards and having too many to draw.
3) Put more focus on Patreon as a method of funding all my projects, not just supporter ideas.

How do I plan to do these things? Well, take a look at this picture:

1) The $10 idea suggestions would be removed.
2) Extra tiers would offer commission discounts (though these are primarily just to offer extra support).
3) And, lastly, I think I'm finally in a position to have another go at making expansion comics. Well, more accurately, I'd start making one expansion sequence each month and you could vote on who gets to be expanded.
   ---Yes, this means I would finally finish the Riven x Zac comic, in some form.


Honestly, I think this new system would give me enough breathing room to regain some of my lost interest/motivation in drawing. I'd be able to fulfill a couple well-planned obligations each month, make money, and still have extra time to practice, work on personal projects, and even do a few commissions here and there.

So, do you like the new rewards?


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