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A new $10 supporter raised a good point today, they said they want to wait for this month's pledge to process before suggesting an idea for the $10 sketch reward.

While I appreciate this as a show of good faith, it made me wonder if I should make this a mandatory requirement for all $10 supporters to avoid people signing up, getting a free sketch, then leaving before the end of the month. Luckily, this hasn't been much of an issue so far, but it definitely will be as I gain more support.

Since my current system is a bit inconsistent anyway (with suggestions being open for the whole month), adding this requirement will help me keep a good schedule without having to worry about getting shafted by people trying to get free stuff.

Oh, and I should mention that most of you $10 peeps have been around for more than a month, so you really don't have to worry about this new system. You'll still get the same rewards, just in a slightly different way. :P

So, starting in October, this is how the system will work:
-I'll make a post to collect sketch ideas for one week (last week of each month)

-Patreon will process payments (occurs during 1st-5th of every month)

-I will choose ideas to draw from all $10 supporters whose pledges were successful (first or second week of each month)


P.S. Depending on how many suggestions I receive and draw this month, I'll either draw the extras during the start of October or make another post at the end of September to collect a few more ideas. So, yes, a few of you will probably get two sketches. :)


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