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9:15PM - Hot Springs - Konoha.

Tsunade arrives to the same place She always does after a long day of tedious paperwork and mission reports; tired of the monotone Hokage life, longing the moment to enjoy the benefits of a hot shower, a bottle of sake and probably some alone time as a woman.

She gently removed her blouse, exposing her voluptuous breasts to the warm steam of the hot springs. Sighing in reflief as the night had just begun, knowing that the hot water was only the start of a pleasant and well deserved rest. She softly caressed her already visible chest and reached for her pants ready to remove them, when suddenly a noise behind her interrupted the so awaited moment of privacy. She could barely see anything and whatever was behind her had already caught Her head and shoulders. Unable to see or free herself she exclaimed in anger "What is the meaning of this!? Unhand me at once or face the consequences!!", a subtle laugh was all she heard from her attacker, as her breasts got sucked deeper into whatever she was being deposited in.

She kept on fiercely struggling, but it was too late, even the strongest kunoichi was unable to free herself from the grasp of whatever caught her. All she could do was wiggle helplessly inside that being's insides until she lost consciousness and started becoming one with the monster.




Such lovely work on the short story! I think it really adds to the pic! And I love seeing that extra context, tantalizing dialogue, and wonderful descriptions of the scenario~


Good art and good short story