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Guaranteed slots for the Nest Egg tier will be offered in order of highest lifetime pledge amount. If the highest person is not ready then the slot will pass to the next person in line and the first person will be approached again when the next slot opens. 

In general, I actively work on one fullsuit at a time, and have one in my queue. Once I finish the active suit and move the queued suit to the active slot I will contact the highest pledging patron in the Nest Egg tier to offer them entry to my queue and give them a quote. The quote is only valid at this time, if they decline to wait for a later slot then I will requote them once they are up again. 

Other notes:

-If you have a specific character or any features that you are dead-set on then please contact me before pledging so I can approve it.

-I'm currently not offering semi-realistic resin head styles with moving jaws, contact me before pledging if you are interested in this and we can discuss possible options and specifics.

-Funds paid into the Nest Egg tier are not transferred to the balance of your commission. 

-Once you have paid your deposit your slot is secured and you're welcome to drop down to a lower support tier.

-If you've already got a suit from me through the guaranteed slot and want another, you become eligible again after 18 months from your last suit being shipped, with at least 12 of those months still being in the Nest Egg tier.

If you have any other questions, you can comment here or email me at shagpokestudios@gmail.com


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