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Hi all,

I've been thinking a lot about the $50 Nest Egg tier that gives guaranteed commission slots and I have decided to switch up how it works a little. I never expected so much interest in the slot so I had a limited number and was just working on a basis of "first pledged, first served"
I've realized though that this could become an issue if people need to take a couple of months off, and also creates a system where a new patron signing up for the $50 slot would have priority over someone who had been pledging $20 a month every 2 years but raised to the $50 slot a day later for example. 

So, for those of you in the tier currently the order will go in order that you signed up:

Mello (I'll be contacting you the week of June 17th)

And then after that, the order will go based on highest lifetime support. This means if your finances change and you have to drop down your slot for a few months that it won't reset and you won't lose out on the limited slots. 

So (after the list up there) at the time I'm ready to open for new commissions I will contact people currently in the Nest Egg tier in the order of total lifetime support and the number of slots will no longer be limited. I think this should be more fair for everyone.



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