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This plugin allows your to set up the BP uncensors in studio with only one or two node constraints.  It will automatically add and setup the dynamic bones and colliders for animated pen.  It will dynamically track the targets setup with node constraints, squish, and adjust the colliders as necessary.

I've included instructions in a pdf, but the only thing you really need to do is apply a node constraint to "k_f_dan_entry" on wherever you want the male uncensors to go.

This requires a custom build of BonesFramework, which is also included

Extract all of the contents to your install directory as usual, overwriting as necessary.

Studio controls for BetterPenetration will remain for patreons only as a sign of my appreciation to you guys.  You can still adjust the behavior of BetterPenetration without the controls through other means, so they are mainly there for convenience.




Check here https://www.patreon.com/posts/47939485


Amazing work—any way this can be implemented with hooh's scripted dicks?


Thanks, unfortunately not... at least not easily. Scripted Dicks have their own monobehavior to control them, so having BP studio try to control them would cause a ton of confilcts. The navigator works very similiar to studio anyways, so the only thing missing is automatically adding colliders (which can be done manually with Scripted Dicks) and the squishing.