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This version includes 4 uncensors, has some animation fixes, bug fixes, and the addition of finger colliders.  Sadly, I had to remove changing penis size from the plugin.

The finger colliders mean that most fingering animations will be animated now.  Illusion was a bit wonky with their joint placements, so the fingers might not be in the correct spot... but I've got a fix for that too, with the BetterHScenes animation fixes/improved sliders.

I've fixed certain animations to correctly animate.  For instance the pull animation is working correctly now.  In previous versions the penis would pull out then reinsert during pull, instead of pulling out and placing on the back.

Colliders have been improved too.  I'm now looking at the scale of the character's bones to adjust the size of the dynamic bones.

Fixed a bug that would cause HS2 to hang up if you exited to main menu and then started a new HScene

Finally, I had to remove control of penis size from the plugin.  I wasn't aware at the time, but adjusting penis size was throwing off any animation that had a hand on the penis.  It was also horribly inefficient because it had to be re-adjusted every frame.  You can still adjust penis size, you just have to do it in the character editor.  I've included instructions on how to do so in the zip files.


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