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A voluptuous sigh of pure ecstasy flowed from Kazuya’s lips as he slipped into the steaming water. The world outside melted away as the soothing embrace of the hot water worked wonders on his taut muscles. He had splurged half his fortune to reserve this secluded inn solely for his group, just so he could relax like this without any interruption. It all seemed worth it in this moment.

{You make the same face when you cum. Don’t ask why I know that… I won’t be able to answer it.}

‘I won’t. Leave me alone.’


Her unexpected acquiescence made him pause, a look of bewilderment crossing face. The katana resting by the side caught fire and spewed a whirl of flames, out of which Nami materialized in her signature temptress dress. Accustomed to her long-time residency in his head, he had almost forgotten that Nami was a physical entity who could interact with the world.

“Izanami, the black phoenix goddess, has descended,” she proclaimed theatrically, settling gracefully by the edge and playfully dappled the water with her toes. “Don’t look at me like that. I hate water with passion. It’s the most I’ll do.”

“What about my dream of banging my yandere girlfriend in the shower? Who will fulfill that if not you?”

A sparkly twinkle lit her eyes. “We can do that. I can make an exception for you. Do you wanna try it—” Her enthusiasm suddenly faded, and her gaze snapped to the sliding door. The culprit wasn’t a person but a black cat, who walked in like she owned the world. “Yoruichi, get lost. Let me flirt with my beloved.”

He languidly propped his head on interlaced fingers, intrigued by a standoff between the two. It seemed like a thrilly time worthy of popcorn.

However, Yoruichi’s attention wasn't on Nami. It was fixed on Kazuya. She had expected irritation, perhaps a sarcastic comment about her prank, but his calm gaze revealed something far colder – sheer indifference to her existence.

She fiercely narrowed her eyes. “Why does she know my identity?”

“Because,” Nami said, her contagious laughter echoing through the bath. “I'm his True Zanpakutō Spirit. I know everything there is to know about my beloved partner. You and your mission are no exception.”

There was a tangible pause as Yoruichi processed this revelation. The tales she'd heard of Nami did little justice to the reality before her. Her audacious appearance was fitting for one born from the incarnation of lust.

“You got Nami back. The moment calls for celebration!” Yoruichi's cat form dissipated in a puff of clouds, and her normal form emerged. She stretched her arms towards the sky as though getting the weariness out of her muscles. She stood poised with her hands on her hips and then jumped into the inviting waters, splashing water everywhere. “God, it feels good to be back in a hot spring.”

She settled by his side, leaning back in a way that her breasts dipped up and down the surface. The sight would’ve ensnared any man but his eyes remained distant. Her conscious gesture to tease him earned her zero attention from him.

Witnessing Yoruichi's epic failure, a mischievous chuckle bubbled up from Nami’s throat. “Don’t bother, Yoruichi. Partner isn’t in the mood to be horny.”

He offered a muted nod in agreement with Nami, allowing himself to be cradled by the steaming water's embrace. His unique constitution ensured that even prolonged immersion in water wouldn’t harm him in the slightest.

“Let me rest.”

Intrigue and a flicker of concern danced in Yoruichi's eyes, hearing the weariness in his voice. The last few months had been filled with his persistent pursuits of her — he didn’t hesitate to show his affection for her at any point. To now be met with a cold shoulder struck her heart with a sting — a feeling of betrayal. What unnerved her further was the genuine exhaustion seeping into his body and mind; she could’ve helped him out if she wasn’t busy checking up on her successor.

‘What happened behind my back?’

Were Yoruichi a little less restrained, she might've barraged both him and Nami with a flurry of questions.

‘It can wait.’

Nami gave Yoruichi a silent nod, her form then igniting into a fiery dance before merging with his katana, leaving only the two of them in the intimate ambiance of the hot springs. Yoruichi could keenly sense the presence of Kazuya's academy friends nearby, a fact that prickled at her nerves, intensifying the awkwardness of potentially being found in such a compromising position with him.

‘He is like a brat compared to me. What’s there to be afraid of?’

Shaking off her uncertainty, she chose to vigilantly remain by his side. Yet, with each passing moment and the gentle cadence of his breathing, it became evident he had slipped into a restful sleep.

‘Moving him to a bed would be better.’

Years serving as the Captain of the 2nd Squad had equipped Yoruichi with expertise in handling bodies. The task itself wasn't formidable, but the notion of walking through the inn naked gave her pause. Spotting a pair of towels conveniently near the entrance, she quickly draped one around herself. As she gently drew him out of the water, her eyes briefly lingered on his crotch.

“He's more man than boy,” she murmured to herself, securing him in a towel before lifting him in her arms. “He is freaking heavy.”

With footsteps as delicate as a cat, she navigated through the inn's hallways, her senses keenly attuned to any lurking Reiatsu. But fate wasn't in her favor tonight. Momo unexpectedly switched directions as if she felt something off and headed towards her. Rather than trying to hide, Yoruichi just stood there and let Momo discover her.

As their gazes interlocked, a myriad of emotions flitted across Momo's eyes, akin to the hues of a sunset sky. The bottle of milk she held was swiftly tossed aside as she rushed forward, driven by a whirlwind of worries. “What happened to him?”

“He is just sleeping,” Yoruichi replied in a gentle voice, aiming to alleviate Momo’s worries. “Don’t be worried.”

Understanding washed over Momo, followed quickly by curiosity. “And you are? Another one of Kazuya-kun’s girlfriends?”

Yoruichi simply nodded, unwilling to complicate her identity. He already had flings with dozens of women at the academy alone. One more to his list of conquest wouldn’t hurt anybody. “Yor—I’m Yor.”

“That’s a strange name…” Momo raised a brow but didn't press Yoruichi further, focusing more on the matter at hand. “Kazuya-kun’s room is that way. Come.”
