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Spending time with well-versed teachers taught Kazuya a lot of things, one of which was Kan, the currency used by residents of the Soul Society. Shinigami salaries were paid in Kan, which resembled Japanese Yen coins.

The shops in the Seireitei likewise accepted Kan.

Isane's eyes widened in astonishment as Kazuya confidently led them to a lavish restaurant, where the prices would make even a Vice-Captain gulp. Yet he nonchalantly walked inside and took a seat. From overpowering a Captain to casually dining at an expensive restaurant — none of his actions so far had resembled a student.

Settling down, Rangiku gave Isane a comforting pat on the shoulder, winking at her with a reassuring smile. “Order anything ya want. The treat’s on Kazuya.”

Isane's brows knitted in concern. “How can I let a student pay? I’ll cover the bills.”

The Vice-Captain was not one to splurge, living a modest life with the occasional expenditure on sisterly outings or contributions to the Shinigami Women’s Association. Her salary was on the lower side for a Vice Captain but more than enough for her to save a fortune.

Rangiku raised a brow at Isane’s generosity. “What if we didn’t have enough for the bill? What would he do then? Use your Uncle Isshin’s name like a good little boy~?”

Kazuya chuckled softly, catching the playful jab regarding his bond with Isshin. He sensed a hint of edge in Rangiku's tone. Perhaps rumors of his debauchery had reached her ears. “It might become a ‘how I took your mother out on her first date memory.’ Of course we need a decent place to show off to those little demons,” he replied, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “And don’t worry about the bill. I can afford it.”

Some of the seniors he slept with hailed from noble families. And they had given him quite a lot of money for giving them a good time, though most of them tried to flaunt their wealth to make him their boyfriend. Coming from noble families, money was the last thing they lacked in their lives.

Isane’s gaze went to Rangiku, who was beautiful, confident, and caring — the ideal woman of most men. “It almost sounds like a proposal.”

Rangiku laughed it off. “Let the kid dream. By the way, did you borrow money from Captain Isshin?”

“No.” Kazuya shook his head decisively, shifting his gaze to Isane. “Vice Captain Isane, I have something important to discuss with you.”

Three months of arrogant declaration about ‘Battle Healer’ had led to this moment — a meeting with Unohana’s closest person. He had to make the most of this opportunity and convince Isane to be a friend, which would give him an easier time in climbing the ranks of the 4th Squad.

From his canon knowledge, he remembered that Isane had a bit of a complex regarding her height. She even stopped sleeping at a point in her life to stop growing taller. She also experienced a lot of weird nightmares. The facts were pretty useless for the moment.

‘It’s just me and my voice.’

Isane's eyes widened, a pulse of surprise coursing through her, as she was addressed by her first name. It was a privilege often reserved for close friends, but never had a man used it with such nonchalance. Her thoughts raced, 'What is wrong with him...?'

Gathering herself, she inhaled deeply and lightly patted her warm cheeks. “So do I. What a coincidence.”

“You first.” “You can.”

Rangiku stared at the two, who simultaneously gave each other the ‘go ahead’ call. “What in the world was that?”

Isane’s chuckle was tinged with nervous energy. “Ishihara-kun, you can ask me anything.”

“Anything reasonable,” Rangiku corrected Isane, narrowing her eyes at him. “Don’t ask her out on a date, though. She’ll reject you.”

He let out a sigh. “How did you read my mind?”

“You were going to ask her out?!”

Kazuya chuckled, warmth in his eyes as he looked at Isane. “Maybe. Isane is friendly, beautiful, and strong as a Vice Captain. What’s there not to like about her?”

Isane felt her cheeks grow hot. “Rangiku, Ishihara-san. Stay on topic!”

Getting this type of attention from a man made her nervous, and it showed on her face.

“I’m sorry if I creeped you out.”

Rangiku gave him a teasing grin. “You smoothtalker. I can see how you charmed thirteen different women in such a short time.”

“There was a reason,” he said with a sigh. “I had no choice.”

“And what was that reason?”

He picked up the restaurant menu. “Any dish you want to try?”

With a swift motion, Rangiku took the menu, her smile gentle and inviting. “We’re all friends here. You can tell us. Right, Isane?”

Isane nodded. “Yeah.”

Like Rangiku, she was curious about the thing that compelled him to such extremes. She wanted to learn more about him so she could put Nanao off his back.

Kazuya sighed. “Let’s order some food first.”

“I’d like some dried persimmons,” Rangiku whispered with a distant look. Every mention of the dish’s name brought her mind back to some sweet childhood memories. “Isane, porridge again?”

Isane averted her gaze. “I like porridge.”

Rangiku just shook her head. Isane was the only person who could porridge three times a day then eat it again at the restaurant.

“So,” Rangiku said, urging him with a coy look. “What was it?”

Isane leaned her chin on her palm and gazed out of the window, trying to appear uninterested but every fiber of her being was tuned to Kazuya’s answer.

“Library access,” he said slowly and raised his katana, which suddenly burst into dark red flames. He doused the flames with a thought and looked at the two with a sincere look. “I can’t connect to it no matter what I do. It’s like she isn’t even there.”

Rangiku leaned forward, interest sparkling in her eyes. “How do you know your Zanpakutō Spirit is female if you can’t connect with your Zanpakutō?”

“I heard her when I took my Asauchi,” he said, tapping the blade of his Zanpakutō. “She said something about going to sleep. Haven’t heard from her since. I thought some books in the library would help me.”

“That’s unheard of,” Isane whispered. “Did you…?”

He simply shook his head, sliding his katana smoothly back into its sheath, a subtle hint of frustration in his movement. “Forget about that. Might just be a snobbish spirit.”

Rangiku giggled. “I know the feeling. Mine refuses to manifest in this world, knowing that I can whoop her ass and get a Bankai release.”

“You hag,” Haineko growled in her head. “You’re way too old to compete with me.”

A knowing smile touched Kazuya's lips, remembering how Rangiku's Zanpakutō Spirit had once manifested under Muramasa’s influence like many others. To everyone’s surprise, Rangiku’s Zanpakutō Spirit was a catgirl.

‘Muramasa was pretty strong for a Zanpakutō Spirit without a Shinigami.’

His thoughts shifted as he looked at Isane, his eyes earnest. “Back to our topic. Isane, I’d like to be part of the 4th Squad when I graduate.”

“We know. Captain Unohana—we would love to have you on board…” Isane’s voice was warm but trailed off, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. “Is this really what you want?”


“I saw your fight with Soi Fon… you can be part of any other squad.”

The 4th Squad was one of the most important divisions of the Gotei 13 but they were pretty much mocked by most Shinigami for being the weakest.

“I’m not going to be exclusive to the 4th Squad.” He directed a confident grin to Rangiku. “I’ll be part of the 10th Squad as well. Like three days here, three days there, and one day off. Nice, yeah?”

He hadn’t given up hope of joining two squads. In fact, he was more confident that he’d succeed after his debacle with Soi Fon.

“Then just stick…”

“Nope. I said I’d be the Battle Healer. I’m not abandoning my goal,” he interrupted her with a confident voice. “Besides, being a healer isn’t all bad. It’s a nice job for lazy people like me.”

Rangiku reclined, crossing her arms, her eyes sharp. “I’ll let you join the 10th Squad on one condition.”

“I mean, your approval wouldn’t mean anything. Uncle Isshin wouldn’t say no to my request.”

Rangiku’s eyes shook. Every one of his words were right. Isshin had made up his mind to train Kazuya to be his successor as the next captain. Her disapproval meant nothing. “Offending the Vice Captain before you’re part of the group. I’ll make your life hell.”

“Hey, that’s so petty. Weren’t we friends?”

“I’ll be your superior.” Rangiku raised her chin, mimicking the arrogant nobles to the best of her ability. “I’m a petty woman.”

“What’s your condition?”

Rangiku’s expression was sultry, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “I want you to use your voice to entertain people.”

He blinked, taken aback. “Like singers?”

He never thought Rangiku of all people would ask him to become a singer in the Seireitei.

“Yes.” Rangiku nodded. “You've got a lot of potential from what I can see. What’s more, your popularity will skyrocket.”

Kazuya wanted to roll his eyes at her outrageous suggestion. “No thanks.”

“Why? Don’t you want to be famous? Don’t you want every girl in the Soul Society to idolize you? It’ll be so fun!”


He had greater ambitions and no desire to be a mere idol.

Rangiku's eyes widened, a flicker of shock and disbelief dancing within them at the unanticipated rejection. Her best temptations, woven with the finest threads of persuasion, had crumbled against the impenetrable wall of Kazuya’s resolve. “Come on, Kazuya. Give it a try.”

“I told you I'm not interested.”

His voice was ice, a cold wind that snapped the delicate strings of her request. The finality of his tone left no room for questions or protestations. Rangiku had no choice but to abandon her playful pursuit of erecting an empire, despite her unwillingness.

‘Looks, voice, confidence. He is the perfect candidate.’

Isane looked at her friend whose disappointment was immeasurable. “Ishihara-kun, give it a try please…”

She pleaded on Rangiku’s behalf but he simply shook his head. Even if he was attracted to both women, getting swept into the entertainment industry was far from his goal.

“It’s fine, Isane. I can understand his point of view.”

Isane sighed. “Ishihara-kun, you have to convince Captain Unohana about your two squad plan... It’ll be hard.”

Captain Unohana was open to Kazuya joining their squad but she wouldn’t be keen on sharing him with the 10th Squad. Hiring a part time Shinigami in their division would make them look even weaker.

Kazuya leaned forward and took her hands in his own, his warmth taking her by surprise. “Isane, can I rely on you…?”

His voice was a caress, tempting and tender, nearly coaxing a nod from her. But she resisted the urge, summoning every bit of willpower she had honed as a Shinigami. As a healer, she was used to physical contact with the opposite gender. The intimacy of the moment, the warmth of his touch, his handsome face, all combined to challenge her. A blush colored her cheeks as she met his gaze, a myriad of emotions in her eyes.

“Help Rangiku if you want me to cooperate…” Isane threw out her own condition to help him. “Please, just try it once. You might enjoy this more than you think.”

In her childhood, she never would’ve imagined living the life of a healer yet here she was. Saving people’s lives and spending time with her mother figure was such a blessing for her. She wouldn’t give up her current life for anything in the world.

“Fine…” He pulled back his hands, his eyes softening into a warm smile. He was weak to sincere women and Isane was the embodiment of sincerity right now.  “And our dishes are here.”

There was no condition for him to commit to the job as a singer. He could dip out after one try while Isane had to convince Unohana. She was on the losing side no matter how he looked at it.

Rangiku immediately poured herself some wine and raised her glass with a bright smile. “To a new opportunity.”

Isane also raised her glass filled with water, clicking it against Rangiku’s glass. “To a new opportunity.”

Rangiku's eyes sparkled with anticipation as they turned to Kazuya. He reached for the wine, filled a glass, and raised it, drawing a joyous 'Cheers' from the two women.

“To a new opportunity.”


Victor Weismann

...... Haah, so he will do this Idol shit? I hope no, If he does, at least not screen time to it. Another thing, he doesn't need to submit to this, if he can't get into both squads, he just goes to squad 10, gets stronger, and buys his way into squad 4 with his power. How? He just shows his power to Unohana, the battle maniac will accept it easily.


Nope, he won’t be an idol. As for Unohana, Isane is a big part of her life. I want to add more stuff to their relationship