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After a few minutes of sunbathing, I went down the tower. Strangely, the hallways had zero presence. A maid will always be here, sweeping the area or cleaning one of the many rooms.

Just where did everyone go?

As I turned around the corner, a figure appeared in the corner of my vision. They jumped at me. I tried ducking under, but the ambusher was faster. They blocked my mouth with an armored hand and wrapped an arm around my chest.

These black gauntlets belonged to Shion! Why was my maid kidnapping me?

Shion loosened her grip, giving a chance to push her back. I quickly got away from her. As expected, my ambusher was my maid Shion.

The best choice would be to run away and notify the maids. The servants of this palace were highly skilled individuals and could deal with Shion.

But in my case, the most rational choice… felt wrong. I had a feeling I’d regret it if I left Shion here. Had I grown attached to this maid? A ludicrous ironclad maid, who never spoke or shared anything about her… Despite her flaws, she had her good points, like never disobeying me and always working diligently.

Shion lowered her head and did her magic paper trick. [Sorry, Lord… I took you for someone else… I.]

The paper slipped from her hands and scattered into blue particles. She looked shaken, no, she WAS shaken. Her armor was trembling, a diminutive detail I wouldn’t have noticed without my enhanced eyesight.

Something major must have happened for Shion to lose her calm and almost robotic behavior.

“Look here, Shion.”

The armored lady assumed her stern posture. She was half a head taller than me even though I was over six feet and a couple of inches.

“What happened?” I asked in my softest voice.

She just stared at me, her thoughts shrouded in mystery. A long, awkward silence followed, continuing for nearly a minute. She remained in the same position as if she was frozen.

She was going through a fierce struggle over whether to reveal her secrets to me.

“Forget about it.” I sighed and turned around.

Before I could take any step, she grabbed my hand. This position was awfully similar to a protagonist trying to stop the love of his life from leaving.

Shion’s head was lowered as though she was apologizing for some mistake. At last, she brought her hands together and gave me a message.

[Lord, please come with me… I want to share… a secret.]

Just what I wanted to hear, eh, see.

Shion approached me and gently took my hand in hers. The gauntlet was far from warm, but it was comfortable. She guided me through the hallways while I kept an eye on her back. My heart was loud like a bomb ready to go off.

Shion took me to her room. A surprisingly simple room with a bed and a wooden closet. Nothing in this room added any personal touch that every room had. It was devoid of personality like the woman under the armor.

Click. Shion had locked the door behind her and plucked the red gem attached to her breastplate, making her frilly skirt fall on the ground. She tapped the ground, and with a shrill sound, her boots melded into her… black skin?

Wait, they were black stockings!

Shion did another tap of her foot, and her stocking vanished. I blinked my eyes. Her skin was close to my light tan with an almost indistinguishable blue tinge. No race had this skin color as far as I knew. Perhaps a Seelie’s influence.

Shion didn’t stop there as she tapped the dull black gem on her breastplate; it glowed like a firefly in the night. The metal breastplate slid at high speed and assimilated into her maid dress. Her pauldrons followed the same mechanic and vanished. She was left in just a black blue bra and panties.

Her curves were bountiful and her breasts ready to spill out of her bra. Judging from her body alone, I would say she fits in the above twenty-five or older category.

This voluptuous body was hidden under armor for a reason.

A very dark reason.

A part of her body was clad in black scales, mainly a portion of her thighs, her hands, and her neck.

“Dragon scales,” I said as I finally tore my gaze away.

Gazing at the mature body, a certain part of my body had declared its presence and wanted to be let out. I tried looking away, but my eyes were sucked back to her magnetic figure. Either my hormones had broken through their limits, or her body carried a magical influence on males.

Shion shuddered, refusing to respond. I had hit the mark, it seemed. She was a dragon or a part dragon like the emperor.

“Are you related to the emperor?”

Shion gripped the bottom of her helmet with trembling hands. She was still hesitating to show the face under the sinister helmet. She had come so far on her own. All she needed was one push in the right direction.

“Fine, I’ll do it myself,” I whispered and walked toward her.

Her back bumped into the door as she tried to back away from me.

“Shion,” I whispered and touched her hands. “Do you think I’ll judge you?”

My voice was gentle as though I was a master at comforting others. I had done something like this before, not sure where and when though.

Strictly speaking, this act was strictly against my ‘boundaries.’ Enwyld would definitely flee at the first sight of danger. A pussy like him wouldn’t have followed Shion to her room, much less standing calm before her part dragon body. A harsh but true judgment of his character.

But this was a risk I wasn’t against taking.

To earn her trust and loyalty, I had to show her some genuine care.


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