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This is a continuation of the work being done on: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-next-97978430

I have lots of tools at my disposal to make what I want. 3D models, a posing program, B4Artists, Thingiverse, Figma, maybe even a bit of AI (I'll admit it), but sometimes  what I'm drawing forces me to think outside of the box.

When I was in college my professor showed us work from a professional who didn't understand how to use photoshop. He used it, but he developed his own unique workflow that none of us would have ever dreamt of. But as our professor explained, if it gets the job done then its a valid way of doing things.

This is known as the art of the Bodge


Sometime rather than worrying "is this the right way?" you just have to find a way, even if its as goofy as hand drawing a 2000x1000 texture and uploading it to a random site you found on DuckDuckGo so it can be mapped onto a sphere. -- Could I've not done this in B4Artists? Sure, but this was fast quick, and just a few keystrokes away.

Because as with so many things I try to express to newbies. Gathering refs is more than just finding the right picture. Its exercising those bodge muscles to find solutions to problems. No matter how goofy that solution may end up looking.



Jun StarBit

You are truly a marvelous inspiring art engineer 💖