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Hey gang, I wanted to let you know that today I've gone through a lot of posts and tried to fix their tags. Patreon's tag system makes it too easy to misspell and misstag things, and there was a lot of junk that I tried to clean up.

For example "Fat" and "fat" are considered 2 different tags 🙄

Moreover I kept finding things that were mislabeled, and generally tried to make the tags better overall for discovery, as I ended up finding pictures I've posted over the past 8 years that I forgot were even here but just kind of got lost in the ether of it all.

It's FAAR from perfect right now, Jebus Crist, but its a hell of a lot better than it was before.

And to put a cap on this, I've also just dabbled into Patreon's collection system, by making a collecting for Dr. Spiral, containing images for both Jordan and Derick.

Going forward I hope I can wrangle all of different characters and plotlines into more easily digestible collections for you all but Patreon makes editing tags a monotonous experience. Basically you have to get it right the first time or else your fucked. -- Like the shemale tag? Find that word offensive? Well at the time of writing this, it currently holds a whopping 171 different posts! So even if I wanted to change the word (which I don't), I would have to go to each one of those posts and change that tag manually.

womp womp.


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