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Merr crimbus.

I'd like to issue an apology to everyone for my spotty output this year. Because even though I made some significant improvements, this year has been wracked with emergencies, health scares, and anxiety. Things that I'd rather keep to myself.

When you're with me, there are only two things that I want from you, and those are to be happy and horny. I want my spaces to be places where you can masterbate with both hands and laugh about it immediately after. This is why I don't engage with politics or world events, and why I don't talk openly about my home situation or my irl mental state.

But as a consequence, what I do is deeply mood focused. I can't make smiles if I'm not smiling myself. And for the sake of cheering myself up, the things I draw can be frustratingly capricious and hard to follow.

One minute, I appear to be all-in on Brighambell, the next I'm drawing clowns? This must be very annoying, and I apologize. But I also don't want to be one of those artists who walk away due to depression. No, I'd rather switch the channel, change tactics, and transform so as to never let things stagnate.

I have no Christmas art planned. It's hard to plan for anything feeling the way that I do. And though this may make things I post increasingly bizzare fetish artwork, I wanted to thank you all for sticking around as I try and fail at keeping things professional.

Days are hard now that I'm sober-ish. I can't drink caffeine to stay awake, I can't smoke Marijuana to raise my mood, I can't eat the foods I used to, and my tolerance for alcohol has evaporated since the days my FA bio read "Alcoholic" ... in that regard, I've transformed into a frailer person whose creature comforts are now limited to the media they consume and the media they produce, no matter how slow the latter may be.

But I am losing weight... I'm physically stronger than I've even been in my life. Even more so that when I was in my 20s when I was the big bull. So if things continue in this fashion, I may just reach my target weight to start fursuiting. (I mean, there are far far far fatter furries than me, but I suffer from body dismorphia irl and losing my old appearance has been helping)

This is all to say that: being a furry is currently one of my main sources of happiness these days. Happiness that you've each helped me achieve.

The cringe, the drama, the sexual depravity, I love it ❤️

I love pretending to be a big-lipped bubblegum woman. I love reading creepy comments. I love being slutty on Twitter. I love the idea of shedding all rational thought and becoming a monster. I love it all, and I love you 💋

Thank you for giving me the gift of being your artist 🎁 And may my transformation continue for the better.

Maury Chrimbas


Rockaway Carter

Love you too palooka. Keep living and kicking ass