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The man in question is a sinister business man and all around evil sonofabitch. He summoned Toro, lured in by the promise of great power and immortality should have take on the power of a demon. For his diabolical part, Toro instructs the business man to crawl up his asshole because the ritual is said to work faster that way. To which the business man quickly obliges... except only now does the business man see that he's been absolutely lied to. Inside Toro's body isn't immense power but instead a bunch of sticky smelly devil gunk. And now so senselessly beyond the point of no return, Toro and the business permanently merge into one. Combining their souls and growing a meaty pair of tits for good measure.

Now at this point normally id write something impish like, "care to join them?" when.. no.. this piece actually captures the absurdity of going so far for power that you'd willingly force your way up the devil's smelly butt... and never once ask yourself if maybe you're being rash.


This picture was taking to long, This month is just racing by. x_x




Ooh this is a fun one! Doesn’t matter which end you get close to, you’re ending up in the same spot either way :3

Jun StarBit

Ok but this is the dream, who wouldn't wanna join Toro specially if you evolve him further into a sexy paragon of devil gunk that becomes voluptuous, curvy and sexy as he develops? Like damn baby join him and make him grow the biggest breasts ever???? HELL YEAH