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She wished to not be so flat chested, and now she's big gay Toro for the rest of eternity.


Am I Back?


I've been drawing this one sequence bit by bit for the past 3 weeks. Sometimes as little as a hand or foot at a time due to the deep depression I've fallen into due to the circumstances of my ongoing family emergency.

If you follow me on Twitter then you may have some indication of what's going on. But I've been trying to keep a positive face despite overwhelming adversity. I've known too many wonderful artists who turning into miserable balls of negativity for one reason or another, so I'd be a hypocrite if I were to let myself do the same. But the truth of what's been going on wrecked havoc on my mental health. So much so that I applied and was accepted for medical cannabis to regulate my emotions, sleeping, and even my digestion.

At the time of writing this, my father will be coming home after being in the hospital for a month. Moreover, I'll be taking care of his animals for at least 1 more week. I've gotten in contact with a rescue organization to take away 10 of the 12 dogs. My dad thinks I'm selling them, when in reality I'm going to be cutting him a check for $2400 dollars and just lying about it.

But with that being said I'm keeping true to my word to not charge anyone for art this month.

This sequence was done for myself. I enjoy drawing devils, and working on it during my free time kept me sane during some very dark moments. I realize that may not come across in the final product, but behind the goofy premise were many days of emotional breakdowns and family drama.

I had planned on drawing and coloring a lot more things this month, but until the animal situation is resolved, I intend to keep drawing devil artwork as personal therapy for myself, and I can't in good conscious charge you for that.

If you disagree then your free to raise your pledge amount for next month, go ahead. But I wish I could provide a specific date for when the shit I'm going through is over, and things can fully go back to normal.

So again, please consider anything I may post this month to be yours absolutely free.




That's some prime grade A devil there. ♥ I don't check Twitter so unfortunately I'm out of the loop, but you're still a cool person and a great artist. If this kind of art is therapeutic for you to make I hope we see more of it, it's still good and you deserve every chance to de-stress. Raised my pledge as a show of support. Wishing you the best.


Great work on this one! Really good sequence