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So I've been working on some stuff, but just wanted to float out something to get what the temperature of the room is regarding Subscribe_Star because if the photo ID verification thing becomes a reality, we may have to migrate there or elsewhere eventually

The reason why I'm refusing to use the Photo ID verification is because while, yes, my dox are floating out there, a photo is far more damning to me as queer person trying to maintain this queer lifestyle in secret. And as serious as that sounds, I don't trust Patreon with that much damning information about me.

I know, I know, this all sounds really heavy but this isn't anything that's going to be happening immediately. And there's a very real chance that you as a patron may never hear about this stuff again. Things may just go on as usual. But I still want to make a backup just in case.

Though take heart in knowing that there would be no discernable difference between one platform vs another. On SS you'd wouldn't have my greater backlog of posts here from 2017 through 2020, 2021 but those are largely pictures that have been posted to FA and Twitter already.

I'm also doing this because SS routes directly to my bank, whereas Patreon is wired through my PayPal which is now a game of Russian Roulette for us artists. -- So I hope you can see the mental stack I'm shouldering at the moment. Ideally things can just go along as they've always been, but I'd rather play it safe than sorry and plan for things before they happen.


Gopvamo Serrano

If it comes to it, I'm headed to SubscribeStar with ya.