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I'm a little worn down, because despite having a nice holiday, when I got back I thought it would be a good idea to work on a website. --Not for anything furry but for my outside work that I don't tell you about. One thing led to another and i've been staring down the barrel of trying to get @include's to work in my .scss files and it turns out that this version of Jekyll I'm using may be broken!

Translation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wsjroVlu8

I want to draw some more Gerald and Simon, and their twinning shenanigans. Specifically I want to draw both of them as skunks.

Last time when I discussed the "difficulties" surrounding them, I housed that in another topic where I wanted you to open with me about the things you like and dislike. Please give that post a read if you haven't already. But to address the elephant in the room, Simon the Skunk is canonically an AB/DL, which means diapers.

I used this as shock art to get you, my patrons, to respond to the issue I was brining up. And at the time, I thought everyone would hate it. But at the time I got some surprisingly positive reactions both publicly and private. Which you may understand has totally thrown me for a loop.

I still want to proceed as if diapers are thema non grata, off limits. 

Hell quick storytime. Y'know how I've been drawing Rubber Raccoon's hands as those useless mitten gloves? That idea came from a furry sissy bondage picture I saw where the character was done up like Goldilocks in a pick dress while being forced to wear slut-heels and a massive diaper in public. The character's hands were in similar mittens, so I folded that idea into RR's design. ~But I didn't bring it up at the time because how was I supposed to even begin to broach the topic?

This past summer Vouge and Vince got hitched, and people deleted me from their lives before I 👏 even 👏 drew 👏 the 👏 picture. I really want to hammer on that point because if  that was too much for you, Gerald and Simon's relationship should probably scar you for life.


Simon is a super genius. Maybe not smart in the same way that Jordan is smart, but he was gifted with an insanely high IQ that unfortunately he dislikes because he'd rather be a pampered baby who doesn't have to think about anything. This man took a look at the human condition and decided to speed run his way to nirvana by getting back in the cradle.

Consider the nihilistic tragedy that twisted Henry into becoming a killer clown. Henry was a lawyer, mindful of society, and very intelligent, but that didn't save him in the end. Simon mirrors that situation greatly. Except instead of going full Joker, Simon decided to protect his brain by never using it. Kind of like booting your computer into safe mode. In his mind are thoughts that could rival Plato, Newton, Einstein, and more, but he only taps into the bare minimum: eating, sleeping, and watching The Care Bears on VHS.

Gerald is his "caretaker". A lewd, sinister, depraved, voracious, and unapologetic predator. He gets off on devouring unwilling prey whole, their digestion, and their disposal. But the crow is a genius too. Albeit nowhere near as smart as Simon, but 2nd place isn't the worst thing in the world. Gerald is a criminal and often just the worst person in the word, but his awfulness comes from a place of extreme rebellion. He refuses to bend a knee to society, for he is a radical optimist. "Better to make shit than be shit" he might say.

Gerald and Simon have a deep lust for each other, predicated on the fact that both men understand each other.  Gerald is addicted to thinking, whereas Simon is on a prolonged mental detox. Gerald has become a twisted old man, whereas Simon finger-painting and re-learning the alphabet. One is racing to his grave while the other longs to be reborn. (I wonder what Orville would think about this).

Both enjoy their pampers, with Simon often times being incontinent and actually needing them, and then Gerald enjoying them because he's a pervert and likes to fill them with the remains of his latest prey.

Does Simon see Gerald as a caretaker and playmate, or does he see him degenerate sleezeball? Does Gerald see Simon as his cute little baby, or does he see him as savant that's become a perverted slacker? Perhaps all of these interpretations are true.

It's different than Jordan and Derrick. There's no codependency. It's different than Vouge and Vince. There's no fear of being alone in the universe. It's different from Madam and Gill. There is no masochism. What Gerald and Simon have is mutual respect for each other's goals. Because some day they're both going to find what they're looking for, and when that day comes, they'll going to want to share their discoveries with each other.

That's the Twinning

It's a visual metaphor for placing themselves in each other's shoes. They have the ability to become each other because they understand each other.

And the Diapers?

I think a skunk wearing diapers would be so on brand for me. Or have you forgotten the Hyena Juggalo, the Pregnant Stork, the Marijuana Lion, the Jackass Donkey, the Plastic Unicorn, the Sewer Gator, the BEACHED WHALE.

Notice the pattern yet? 

I kinda wanna keep that ball rolling.


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