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I don't want to overinflate the issue. But if you follow me on Twitter then you already know how yesterday I former patron left because I wasn't drawing enough "Grandma Bunny" O'hare and was only drawing gay stuff.

Let's ignore the fact that O'hare like several of my characters was inspired by drag queens.

Let's ignore the fact that O'hare I a metaphor for coming out of the closet.

Let's ignore the fact that O'hare herself is asexual.

Let's ignore the fact that I only have 2 cishet characters (Madam and Gill) 

Let's ignore the fact that last month was pride month.

Let's ignore the fact that I state that I'm queer in my twitter and FA bios.

Let's ignore that at the time of writing this, my Twitter avatar has the Omnisexual flag behind my head.

Let's ignore all of that.

What angers me is that this former patron didn't have the spine to tell me what the wanted to see before passive aggressively letting me know in the most useless place, the exit interview. 

Let me be clear that this person is the the first to do this. In fact it happens quite a lot. People join this Patreon and assuming they don't immediately leave, they get fed up that I'm not producing the content the want to see, while never even bothering to tell me what the wanted in the first place.

So I'll how am I supposed to know what you want, if you don't tell me what you want?

-- Oh and the picture? It's only 2 of my characters, Gerald criminally insane madman and his inhouse fuck-buddy Simon, the Adult-Baby-Diaper-Lover skunk proclaiming their homosexuality.

Do you like it?


Well you're in luck! Because there's this exciting new way to show your approval or disapproval, and it's called the comments section :D /srs

-- You should know that I don't draw all of my characters consistently. And because I enjoy a variety of kinks and personalities, some of my characters will either in season or out of season. This year I haven't done much O'hare because I'd been focusing on other stuff. But if you miss the big bunny then its your prerogative to tell me.

Gerald and Simon are two characters that are almost never in season, because their core kinks aren't things that I'm usually interested in, or feel that you'd be interested in.

But suppose I were to start drawing them all the time. 31 days of Gerald and Simon, day-in and day-out. It's your right to comment and let me know that this isn't your thing.

Now I already know what some of you are thinking. You're thinking that you want to be respectful. You already know that your tastes and mine may not align, but you still enjoy the artwork or want to support me regardless. But what I'm saying is that if what I'm drawing is so egregious to you that you might consider un-pledging, there are still MULTIPLE ways we could address the issue.

  • I could delete the picture.
  • I could edit the picture.
  • I could make an alteration to the picture.
  • I could put the picture into a .zip file, and have people who want to see it, download the .zip file.

But suppose you just throw your hands up and unpledged, why would I ever bother rectifying the problem? You wouldn't be here anymore, so not only would not be able to see if I listened to our complain. Any incentive there may have been to listen to you is now gone because you deleted it.

That guy who wanted more O'hare? I could start drawing nothing but O'hare this month. Fuck my commissions, fuck my comics, and I'd rename this Patreon to the Bunny Blog. And he'd be none-the-wiser.

And in that same vain, if you don't like this picture, if a diaper wearing skunk man sucking on a pacifier isn't something you want your pledge going to. If you don't let me know that you don't like, then why shouldn't I assume that you do like it and that I should keep making more?

You know how when you're watching YouTube and everyone goes "Remember to Like, Comment, & Subscribe", am I going to have to start doing that too?

--Now I've had this Patreon running for more than 5 years at this point. So don't think that I haven't talked about all of this before. So I already know

"It's not my responsibility to tell you want I want" Go ahead and try this at a McDonalds drive-thru and see what happens.

"I'm shy/intimidated." No you're bad at following instructions. I'm telling you its okay, if you still think that you shouldn't then the problem is you.

"I'm busy and can't always comment." I'm not asking you to always comment. I telling you that its okay to tell me when you want to see something or when you don't like something.

"I actually do like this picture, Zevti." Oh... 😳 thankyou.



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