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I set the poll to 3 days because I know people don't check here everyday. But that being said, one suggestion has been way out in front since the minute I hit post. And that was Madam the Crocodile formed from multiple people wearing her bathing suit and being merged together ๐ŸŠ.

-Honestly it sounds like a good idea to start off the summer ๐ŸŒž with.

But if you'll indulge me, I'd like to ask you all one more question before I get started. And that's who do you imagine taking part in this swimwear fusion?

Particularly, how many people?  2, 3, 4, more?

What genders? I'm a big fan of TGTF so I'm cool with all guys, but it could be all guys, all women, a mix, all trans, all cis, you follow?

Would they be human? Would they be anthro? Would they be some of my other characters ๐Ÿ‘€? Ooh that last one might be fun.

Let me know what you'd like in the comments, and if you can't think of anything, feel free to type "Surprise Me" instead.

I hope I'm not annoying anyone with all these questions and polls, but I think its fun having you guys boss me around x3


Eclipse Knight

5 women, 2 human, 3 that are anthros (Surprise me on the species), Swimsuit's a one piece

Ryan Atkins

I would love to see a large number of people. the more the better. at least 1 man, 2 woman,1 anthro that is not a lizard, and 1person that has indicators of Trans and they are the one that becomes Madam in the end, even if it's semi liminal. (Madam's cursed one piece, wear at your own risk!)

Jun StarBit

I offer as tribute Let me hug some milf curves, your gay son wants to get up clรณse and personal with a ravaging fem beast

Rockaway Carter

I think two female humans and one redneck gator guy fused to the madness that is Madam.