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Someone wholesale deleted their pledge after my last post. That's their right to do so, but I'm surprised at how swiftly they acted given how goofy the story behind it is.

But that's on me. I failed to do a proper write up on things like I normally do because they included characters of mine that many people are already familiar with. -- I'm talking about Vince and Vouge of course. Two characters that I've actually written an intro story for. Please give it a read if you're interested.


But TL;DR, Vince and Vouge's relationship is too fantastical and stupid to be incest.

Vouge is over 900 years old. He is the last of his kind from an infamous race of Space Alpacas. He's a space pirate known for his heists, crimes, and gay escapades across the galaxy.

Though at some point in the distant past (roughly 2000 years ago) a member of his race came to earth and "donated" to the gene pool,  thus making it so that 20-year-old Vince Alvarez all Earth Alpacas are descendants of that first Space Alpaca. And so you could think of Vouge as being Vince's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, uncle. or more accurately Vince's 69th Cousin, Once Removed

I did the math years ago just to make that joke canon. That's how much thought I put into these things.


Once on earth, Vouge awkwardly comes to inhabit the space left behind by Vince's estranged Grandfather who tragically passed without ever getting to know his grandson. All with the subtext that Vouge, Vince, and this late grandfather all struggled with maintaining personal relationships, with each self-sabotaging what few ties exist between his friends and family members. 

(The story begins with a funeral for a reason. The Alvarez's don't have "happy" get-togethers)

(Also does anyone remember the truck scene, after the funeral? The point of that wasn't to normalize their specific behavior, but to show how impersonal the Alvarez family can be).

And now that Vouge is stuck on earth for the time being, him and Vince are forced to live with each other, ultimately breaking the cycle of alienation... but overcorrecting so hard that Vince and Vouge soon develop a romantic relationship with one another ~ Despite the fact that their cover story is that Vouge is Vince's "Grand-Uncle" who was living with his "Brother" Vince's "Grandfather" but had to move out after the "Grandfather" died. Who calls Vince his "Grandson" with Vince calling Vouge his "Grandpa", when truthfully Vouge is an extraterrestrial and is only related Vince through a 2 millennia long year fork in their ancestral DNA.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VxLQZPqI2M *Collapses*

The in-canon joke is that their relationship is so convoluted, it's just easier to say Vince has the hots for his Grandpa, because no one is ready for what's actually going on.

If that constitutes incest still, then I'm sorry for disturbing any of you, as that was never the intention. Although I will say that I personally see nothing wrong with "incest" if both individuals are consenting adults and there's no risk of procreation. But even then, with furry fetish artwork, the threshold for me to take things seriously still goes way way down.

Yes, I realize that this brushes up with some pretty heinous real-world implications depending on the ages and sexes of the persons involved, however I reject this hardline stance that incest is wrong in all scenarios. Particularly in this case where you have a 20-year-old barista in a gay relationship with their 910-year-old cousin from outer space. Because if we want to treat their situation as real, then I'm going to need to know why the incest part is more important than the fact that we now know that Aliens exist.



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