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A pinup.

So there's a often unspoken phenomenon that occurs when you're an creative, and that's the need to create. There's a need to push something out there, and feel the effort of making something that will often grow stronger and stronger until we simply need to purge. Crass though it may be, this may explain the term "art dump", as casually speaking, it really feels good to get stuff out of you.

That all being said, this was a bellicose and moody weekend for me. One that saw me mayhaps staying up far too late to work on things. Working through the stress, some might say. And on Saturday night I was still feeling this way so I just started drawing the last thing that had really elevated my mood, and that was Dr. Spiral from last week.

I didn't have concrete idea going into this one. Just a very basic pose that I fashioned in about 3 minutes. I guess originally it was meant to be a face shot, but the moment I zoomed out the character, there came to be a lot more of the character in-frame. And then from there I just worked like a lizard, not really thinking, just inking everything up until I was satisfied. Though not without some caveats.

Dr. Spiral's white eyes simply don't work when looking at things with extreme angles, so I had to cheat those in. And as you know Dr. Spiral is a meant to be a herm. They're the fusion of a herm and shemale respectively. But here I didn't feel like their massive horse cock really added anything to the picture. And ultimately I wanted them to be looking at themselves rather than the massive phallus in the foreground (sorry hyper fans, but I can always go back and do an edit)

Come the end of my night my wrist was limp, and I'd worked out the idea that Jordan and Derick, Dr. Spirals two respective halves, are still very impressed with themselves in this new mythical form. In their canon lore, much of their circumstances were due to mishaps, accidents, and circumstantial science based woes, yet here is one of those rare circumstances where an experiment worked 100%.

A bit vain yes, but that comes with a lot of, "We still can't believe this worked so well!"



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