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I'm really tired while writing this. Blame a lack of calories and me working till sunrise for the past week. Hopefully come tomorrow I'll be good to go because I'd like to draw some Muscle Chub Bara Vore work with Brighambell.

For those of you who don't already know Brighambell is a separate series of mine, one that's detached from the play cannon of the rest of my OC's.

Imagine, the world of an NES/Famicom game. An 8-bit JRPG from the 1980's like Dragon Quest. But instead of some intrepid young hero's embarking on a journey to defeat evil, the story follows the misadventures of two monsters. Or in this case, two former humans who became monsters after getting caught up in the wrong place at the right time.

As the story goes right now Brigham and Bell come from a fantasy world caught up in a war between good and evil. 

The mysterious Shadow King wants to cast the world into darkness. And by using his sinister magic, he's able to twist the hearts of men and turn them into monsters. These monsters are comprised of Strange Flesh that grants them many bizarre and extranormal abilities such as transformation or even the ability to fuse together with others. Little is known about the Shadow King himself, but wherever his monsters go, sin and debauchery are always soon to follow.

Human society has this thus grown more strict and puritanical, in stark contrast to wickedness of the monster mobs. A Holy Order has seized control with a dogma that polices and harshly punishes anyone caught engaging in "sinful acts" such as drinking, dancing, singing, or fraternizing as it is believed that these acts invite evil into men's hearts and thus makes it easier for them to become monsters. And so the Holy Order seeks to purify the world with an iron fist.

Brigham, is a barbarian of the untamed wild lands. As he was swarthy, uncouth, brash & belligerent, the "civilized folk" already regarded him as a monster due to his ferocious demeanor and unshackled homosexuality. Brigham loves his meat and he loves his men, and he'll always do what he wants regardless of what the Holy Order has to say about it. After all his personal moto is, "Keep smiling till' you die!"

Bell, is a mage who was raised amongst the "civilized folk". Soft, meek, bashful, and nervous, he grew up terrified of monsters but be excelled at all of his academic studies. Though unfortunately for the butterball, his one fatal flaw was his endless appetite. Always eating and snacking, munching and lunching, a young bell could eat, eat, and eat, and always have room for more. And thus the prodigy was eventually kicked out of wizarding school for being too fat.

Around that time Brigham was working as a Hero, doing quests and other odd jobs for pay. Meanwhile, a food starved Bell, desperate enough to break his diet, dared to go to a place where it was rumored that he could have all the food that he could eat. -This place turned out to be an Outlaw Encampment: an impromptu gathering of freemen, heroes, criminals, and (unbeknownst to many) some monsters too from around the overworld. There, Bell was able to fill his belly like never before. Then at some point during that drunken night night of celebration, Bell bumped into an even drunker Brigham and it was love at first sight ❤

Yet hours later when the two finally came to their senses, both would realize that everything had changed.

A little sore, and as naked as they days they were born, Brigham and Bell both woke up to an encampment in ruins. Crates of goods were left abandoned. Weapons and various armor pieces where tossed about as they'd been caught up in a wind storm. Precious treasures, no doubt stolen from elsewhere, were left unattended right out in the open. And most everywhere the two looked, they could see the leftover tracks of some massive beast that stood atop its massive split-cloven hooves. For somehow, these two must have survived a monster attack.

Though as the two attempted to split up in order to search for survivors, they found themselves returning to each other again and again. They both then realized this was because the further apart either moved from each other, the weaker and sicker they felt; almost as if some inexplicable forced had married the two together.

Utterly confused, the answer to their questions came in the form of a sudden belch from Bell, who managed to burp up a man's shoe. And that's when the memories of the night before came flooding back. For to Bell's horror and Brigham's delight, they weren't the survivors of a monster attack, they were the monster attack. And the reason why there were no more people around was because together as the fusion monster Brighambell the Behemoth, they had eaten every last one.

Under the cover of darkness, monsters had infiltrated the encampment looking for humans to potentially transform into powerful monsters. A mission through which they would find many. But it may be possible that something went wrong, and the Shadow King's minions may have unleashed a beast that neither side was ready for.

This places Brigham and Bell into very a unique situation. Because as two halves of the beast, they are now marked for death as enemies of mankind. Thus they must remain cautious that no one learns of their secret, lest the duo be exposed as monsters and hunted down by Holy Order or any Heroes that are tasked with slaying them.

And because they're both monsters whose bodies are now made from strange flesh, they are totally subject to the whims and influence of the Shadow King. They are literally his property now. Their bodies will physically resist any attempts made to disobey him. Which consequently means that they could be forced to merge or transform at any moment. Something that will and has lead to some *awkward* moments.

But by far the greatest dilemma both of them face is the undeniable fact that Brighmanbell is a big dumb idiot who's actions are are always forgotten once the fusion is over. Yes they may retain bits-and-pieces. But much like after a night of hard drinking, the picture is always left rather hazy and scrambled after the hangover. And this ultimately leads to many to comical outcomes where the duo will wake up in situations that neither half can remember their whole getting into. 

As time goes on, the two will earn that their situation is not unique. There are many other fusion monsters -some friend, and some foe, comprised of duos, trios, quartets, quintets, and possibly more. But for now I want to further flesh out our two main protagonists Brig' and Bell. 



That double-cock-head cock merge in the first pic is really clever x)

Greg Walter (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 10:32:08 Love 'em! Looking forward to seeing more of their wild escapades! <33333
2022-04-29 13:17:49 Love 'em! Looking forward to seeing more of their wild escapades! <33333

Love 'em! Looking forward to seeing more of their wild escapades! <33333


Love this breakdown of their world and character!