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EDIT: I went back and redrew the hand. The way it was originally was too weak.

This goddamn picture...

Hey everyone, I've been sick this past week, and since my last update it got a hell of a lot worse before it started to get better. I've gone through an entire box of day and night Alka-Seltzer Plus and what nowadays is known as "brain fog" kept me from drawing a few strokes at a time before I became too distracted to continue. But luckily today I had my first few hours of feeling better-ish. (I drift between 80 and 90% health) I was able to put in a full hour of Japanese practice and I was able to finish up this drawing so fast it was like night and day.

Needless to say I'm f*king frustrated because crap like this always happens whenever I catch my muse. I got really depressed towards the end of February due to feeling demotivated, but the moment I got over that with this Rubber Racoon project I decided to catch Ebola and die for a few days. I can't f*king win sometimes. Which is why this picture is less of a part 2 and more of a self portrait of me right now.



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