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Another snow storm is coming through my region, and even though it doesn't look to be as severe as the last one, everyone has been preparing and we're all super paranoid that the power is going to go out again, despite the power company stating that it has road and maintenance crews pre-emptively gathering for when the snow starts tomorrow.

Due to the wind, we're all just expect more trees to fall. Finishing off any ones narrowly survived last time. And that means down power lines all over again.

Its depressing because it's like an unpleasant engagement that you don't want to go to. One that zaps your motivation to do other things before hand.

All of this is to say that if I disappear again, you'll now know why. And honestly I really don't care if there's snow. Bring 2 feet of it for all a I care so long as the power stays on. That's the one thing we ask. Please keep the lights on. Please.

Love you, will post smut for you later.


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