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An artist I used to know once said the reason he loved transformation so much was because of all the many ways you could go from point A to point B. All too often transformation is limited to a single route due to time and the effort that goes into illustrating it. But we can't deny that for every thing that a person can transform into, there's actually an exponential number of ways to transform into that thing.

I don't have hard terminology for this (yet), but the midpoint, that place of liminality as the figure crosses the threshold from one state to another can pack so much tangential information about the piece, that for many times that middle portion is all that matters.

Who is this man? Who is this duck? Who cares, look at his boobs 👀

But compare and contrast "someone-ripping-off-their-skin-to-reveal-changes-underneath" versus "putting-on-a-costume-that-becomes-their-new-skin". With either we arrive at the same result but how we get there can illicit a very different emotional-sensory response. 

Even with fusions and merging, these multi-person transformations can take different avenues too. And so if you like my work, it stands that you may not care about merging in concept, but you do find my presentation to be pleasant. 

I believe this is consequentialism? Where the pleasure derived is more important than the explicit means to receive it. (This is the same mindest many take to when enjoying dirtier fetishes too for example, especially when the kink is victemless. They don't find the act or its real world counterpart desirable, but for them a good picture is a good picture). 

Lots of philosophy, but what I'd like to read from you in the comments are some of your favorite kinds of transformation, and I want to think that if you were to be transformed in some way where there'd be no consequences whatsoever, how would you want it to be?


Alpha 01

I'm sort of partial to transformations that well up from within. Sort of bubbling to the surface where it can be quick and pleasant or slow and laborious depending on how the transformee acts and feels. I do favor fusions in this regard as well, enjoying it both when they expect it coming and those who are caught completely unaware.


I... Do favor transformations that are induced by an outside factor. A potion, a mask, a kiss, just the starting effect. I do particularly like a transformation that starts with some horny hot behavior. But for how I'd like to be transformed? Definitely a mask.


I guess the obvious answer would be I'd like to TF into Pulsar! x) I've always favored TFs that either feel orgasmicly good, or if they do hurt, it's only a little bit and fleeting. One thing slightly more unusual thing I've thought about with that though—IRL I have some screws and stuff in my leg from when I broke it. I've considered that if I were to TF (and depending on how and into what), that would probably end up all popping out maybe. x) Which could be more painful. But then again, if I were to grow a beak, probably all my teeth would fall out too. So in some ways, TF is unavoidably messy, unless you go a really cartoony route. Which is okay too ;>

Jun StarBit

Want someone to also become Pulsar and do some sexy self cest? ;3c


I'm a huge fan of anything where the TF'ee is "sculpted," whether it's an entity physically moulding and shaping them, welling up from inside and pushing outward, or putting on any type of outfit/mask and having that attach and alter them. I'm very much a fan of it being in that vein of being sculpted by another presence to turn them into their "true" form, whether that's morphing or being absorbed or anything in between.


Without an outside factor? The victim is touching themselves, lewd or no, and the arms they use slip right into their body. A few moments of horror go by as everything gets stuck and a freshly transformed monster forms out of the amorphous blob.