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After years of drugs, sex, and pizza, Jordan and Derick have finally put their game of cat and mouse has finally come to an end as both have confessed their love for each other. Now is this true love? It's hard to say. There was once a time where Jordan was a respected scientist, and Derick was just shy and dopey janitor. But with access to experimental hormones zero oversight created a spiral of codependency that placed these two into an inseparable orbit.

Hard drug use, fattening foods, and sexual depravity under the guise of science... or was this planned from the start? It became to hard to tell when Jordan began referring to Derick as hir 'assistant', and Derick started to willingly offer himself over to Jordan's ceaseless sexual advances having fully embraced this inner most perverted desires. And so it was in this fashion that barrier after barrier were broken down until Jordan and Derick were of one mind but with two bodies, a state of affairs that they soon sought to fix.

Vore. Perfect submission and perfect dominance. As the composition of their bodies is now closer to living narcotics than proper flesh, when Jordan eats Derick or when Derick eats Jordan a special chemical reaction occurs as the other digests. This chemical cocktail of psychotropics rapidly floods through the system, forcing a drastic equine transformation. 

The resulting fusion, the self titled Dr. Spiral, is a unicorn hermaphrodite. From initial observations they appear to possess aspects of both Jordan and Derick's personality, however a third unified persona of confident excess has emerged. Spirited, bubbly, direct, and mildly self absorbed, they seem to be keenly infatuated with their own shapely appearance stating, "I am my greatest achievement."

When asked for her perspective, our dearest Lady O'hare has said, "Oh what the bloody hell, have they done now!?"


Its done! Thankyou so much for being patient! I hope this was worth the wait because I was pumped to see this through and pumped to get this done. I came up with the character over a year ago and just to see the people's enthusiasm to finally draw them was what drove me to work so hard this week :3

I've included the pictures posted above as well as some cropped alts for Jordan and Derick respectively.



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