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I just felt like saying thankyou because its been a while, and because I'm grateful for your input and ideas even if I'm unable to get to them.

Today wasn't the best day, large in part because my inability to mix with certain types of people. Water & Oil, Bubblegum and Broccoli. It can feel lonely at times wanting to collab and brainstorm with other people. And its a challenge to find the right minds that can sync well with my own. One's that see the process as being part of the fun rather than a chore. The one's who can appreciate how ideas can grow and develop into fully realized works. And many of you who have been here for the longest have been indispensable in making that happen.

Especially when I can be such an emotional bull in a china shop sometimes. I shift in and out of personalities like I'm flipping through channels. So I understand how frustrating it can be waiting on me to get into the right groove to make the art you're here to see. -- And if you've ever been made to feel like I'm not paying attention to you, then I'd first like to apologize and then say how I never want that to be true. 

There's still time in the month, more things could happen, so feel free to let me know what's on your mind down in the comments. And if there's something you really want to see that I haven't gotten to yet, you're always welcome to repeat your request again and again.


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