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This was done for Clegg on twitter, and I have to say was a complete 180 from my last commission. Not only being way more enjoyable to do, I think this syncs better with my overall vibe.

Clegg was delightful to work with and it was great being able to bring his dead to life. I'm still a little self conscious about some things, but what none of you will have had the chance to see are some of the behind the scenes work I've been doing -attempting to make new ink settings, and experimenting with digital screen tone. I even took some unlikely muscle inspiration from reading Grappler Baki.

As for the Gargoyle? You'd have to ask Clegg, but in a nutshell, they're a shapeshifter made from clay. (Can't remember if they can fuse with people, but I'm going to assume yes owo), but they're on the tiny side. 

And consistency wise it varies across the body. Their back is hard and stony, but the have a soft and huggable underbelly. I have to imagine hugging them would be like cuddling up to a ball of wet cement.



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