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The grease pencil made sketching this a blast and was a need switch from my pinup style that was taking me ages and ages to get anything done. -- And moreover I'm happy with how I've been able to rough out these characters so quickly for all of you. Because remember earlier in the month when I asked you all what I was doing wrong? Well listened to your feedback and took it all to heart. I'm so thankful to have all of you supporting me, and while I'm always working to get better, your comments, questions, suggestions, and criticism are vital for that to happen. Thankyou!


Also Included is an alternate pun version of the first panel. "Surf eats Terf"

 When drawing this I hadn't meant to bring up... Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, at all. I just needed some random human to be munched on, and while drawing I just randomly thought to make it some surfer dude because Mako is a shark. The idea for the pun only occurred to be a day later when I was drawing the final swallowing segment. 



Gopvamo Serrano

Mmm, Mako is wonderful, and Maisy is sooooooo lucky to have a gal like her~

Jun StarBit

These two are the best thing ever since peanut butter