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Yet again here I am apologizing for the the lack of output this month. But its not because I haven't been trying. I've actually been having a lot of stop-and-stopping because I've been re-evaluating how I approach things.

As you know I've been steadily practicing so that one day I can draw comics proper, but these ventures typically only last for one page. Its a rut I've found myself in, but some of that blame goes to the template I'd been using. Its a .sai2 file where I've marked out the margins and a springboard for comic panel engraving. 

It worked for what I used it for, but it created largely through eyeballing sources I found on the internet, and not with any hard rigor for keeping certain things consistent.

This image was made with raster lines, but the version I now have utilizes vector lines so I can better adjust things on the fly. Likewise, I've finally included a proper printing layout with bleed. The later of which not being necessary for digital artwork, however should I ever want to put my comics into a printed takoban format, all of the sizing work will have already been done.

Though its worth noting that this is a scaled down version just so that all of you can see things, because I honestly didn't want to save off a 4900 by 3700 .png right now x3

Again thank you to everyone for sticking around. I know that grid lines aren't sexy, but hopefully these grid lines will help me make sexier pictures from now on.



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