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This was just a sketch I did earlier in the month that just sorta languished while I did other things. And well after coloring the YCH I think I may have tapped into a new coloring style for me -one that doesn't require me to waste so much time shading. I think I'm going to call it "Plus 50" because in order for it to work, all of your colors have to have a brightness value greater than 50% because otherwise things will look too saturated and dark against my lines.

I still assert that my characters have no canon color for most part, Vouge is the most complete character in my roster conceptually, so I've had a lot of time to think about these things.

Alien Mint was showcased in an earlier image with him using his butt to fly through space. Its his true appearance when in outer-space and away from earth. 

Choco Negro is Vouge's default color for when he's cloaked around earthlings. He's still 12 feet tall but at least he's able to blend in better. And while this may be hard for some people to swallow, I wanted to given him a racialized color pallet here, to reflect the fact that has always been true: Vouge as well as half of the characters amongst my roster were conceived and envisioned as black people. And I'll stress this isn't some flavor-of-the-moment #BLM tastelessness. This has been true for as long as I've been drawing.
--- Vouge, Vince, Fru Fru, Ariana, Derrick, Madam, Gill, and Myself (both as a furry and irl) are black. And this is a unique perspective that's played into my work whether or not others realized it or not. And so if you've ever pleasured yourself to my work, wittingly or not, you've been pleasuring yourself to a black artist's take on black furries.

Pinkberry Nipple rounds out the set with an extra splash of color. And funny enough I've gone this whole time without pointing out how I sketched Vouge this time with an extra large set of tits. -He's still conceptually gay, but I guess a more accurate term would be "dick sexual?" where the genotype doesn't matter so long as they have a penis.



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