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It should go without saying how grateful I am to have people willing to support me and what I draw.

But I want to preemptively apologize in the case that I'm not producing as much art as usual.

World events notwithstanding, my will to draw is at an all time low, And I'll assert that this has been a direct consequence of my sobriety. I've not had a drop of alcohol since New Years, and this year marked the first St. Patrick's day since 2013 where I didn't have anything to drink. That... and my birthday didn't even happen this year.

I sleep a lot these days because dreaming is most fun I've had as of late. And that usual stir-crazy impulse to draw something just isn't as strong as it used to be.

This all comes on the heels of a declaration to stop trying to satisfy others, and to stop asking for suggestions. For years now I've worked best with collaborative direction. I've always appreciated the off hand art request, the fan who asks questions, and anyone that displays open interest for what I do. But I also recognize that wanting after these things was harmful for my mental health. The idea that I can have so many fans that won't even talk to me when I ask them to is something that makes me hate learning to draw in the first place. But if that's a fact that can't be changed, then bashing my head against it isn't going to help matters.

So I'm not asking for requests, and I'm not asking for suggestions. That window was open for years and people's shyness/indifference closed it. For the time being I'm just going to rely on my own thoughts and my own satisfaction to draw things. Which means things will generally be slower during times where I suffer from art block, or if my passion is low.

I just gotta wait for the muse to reach me.


Baz Yat

Look after yourself man.