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I'll just come out and say that I've never had very powerful computer. And by most people's standards, what I have now isn't all that powerful either, but to to date -thanks to you- I am now typing this on the most robust piece of hardware that I've ever earned.

I'm wary of giving out the specs, lest someone chime in and go, "Well you know you should have gotten a blah blah..." no. My last computer, the computer in which everything you've seen from me over the past 5 years, had nothing but a measly 610m. And now I'm using a 1660Ti. Shut up. And all on 9th gen i7 processor, 16GB of ram, and a 512GB SSD that has me terrified (So it breaks if I save to it too often!? D:)

We're still very much in the honeymoon period. I don't know if this thing is going to die on me tomorrow. But I just spent the all of tonight transferring files and setting everything up. Currently I still don't have Photoshop or OBS installed, but I did splurge and got myself a proper non-pirated licence for Design Doll. (Version 5 has feet controls! Finally!!!)

But all-in-all, this was a 1000+ dollar investment that was paid for by all of you. And I may have been crying for the past hour over it.

I mean I disabled the RGB because it felt excessive, but the thought of me using a computer like this for the first time in my life, really has me shaken up. And its only because you guys were here for me, you supported me, you... you're all so kind for me that i really don't know how I'm supposed to type it out. I feel crazy and hormonal and stupid because saying thank you just doesn't feel like it's enough.


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