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Leguna + Faulkner = Big King Faguna.

Its finally done. Its finally done. This has been the most stress full thing to work on and I just barely made it.

But why you might ask did I push myself so hard for this? Why this of all things had me furiously working throughout the holiday? Well, the answer is simple. Its because I'm thankful for those of you who support me and this year I really wanted to show that with something big, and then I fucked it up by letting my schedule get away from me. -I know not all of you like or even celebrate the holiday, but I'd be lying if Thanksgiving hasn't always been an important time for me. Because when they say it's a time for thanksgiving, it's seriously a time to look at the what you have and say thank you for all of those who have helped you over the past year.

I'm a piece of shit psychopath, and none of you have to support this patreon or like my work, but you do. And those of you who have been around for a while know that this patreon has saved my ass more times than I'd like to admit. But moreover, all of those times where i'm feeling depressed, anxious, or angry, so many of you reach back out to me with kindness that I often feel that I don't deserve.

Now I'm not out here writing poetry or saving lives. No. I'm a pornographer, a smut peddler, and artist of demented cartoon horrors. But if it is this that's led me to meeting so many of you and built these connections. Then it's only right that I never stop pushing myself to do more and go further.

I love you all, you're the worst ;w;

Oh about Faguna. He's a hot-blooded Hawaiian Turkey (They exist, look'em up!) He loves football, and he's looking to fuck and eat anything he can get his features on.



Ryan Atkins

is leguna still around, or has the bird taken over? :3