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It occurs to me that many of you probably aren't familiar with my older artwork from when I used to post on FA. So I wanted to reintroduce you all to Leguna, my 15 foot tall, 2000lb, voracious, man-eating, blubbery, bubble headed, valley girl, cam-whore, porn star, E-thot, orca whale.

But I ran into a problem. This comic originally intended to have text, given all of the negative space, but when it actually came to do the lettering, nothing I wrote sounded right. Probably because I was doing the work out of order. Typically when working on a comic I write out the script first, but this time I just started with the artwork first and hoped that I could play it by ear

So I'm going to keep it raw for now and come back to it when I have time. Though you're perfectly welcome to come up with dialog yourself and post it in the comments. It's my personal believe that a good comic an tell a story through its visuals alone so hopefully you guys can see what's going on without word balloons for now



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