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And if you're wondering, "Zevti, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Its because up until yesterday I had no Idea if I was going.

I'm a reclusive furry and not always by choice. Its not in the cards for me to travel long distances to attend conventions, I'm and I'm often either low on cash, taking classes, or taking care of family situations like last month. But moreover I'm extremely anxious about revealing my identity or interacting with people in person. Infamously I lived 20 blocks away from Anthrocon for 4 years and never went, though depending on who you ask this was either a good thing or a bad thing...

Well not all the stars are aligning for me attend FAU with several close friends looking to pop my con-cherry and thus these past 48 hours I've been a nervous wreck. Everyone insists I'll have a good time and I believe them. But I've also been sober for about a month so I'm lacking in liquid courage.

What does this means for Patreon this month? Well I'll be out of the picture from the 3rd until the 7th. I do intend on bringing my laptop and tablet so potentially I can do some artwork, but I'm still not 100% on the schedule of things or if I'll have energy to do anything. -That being said, I still have various things in the works for you. And it's October so I might be producing more bizzare, disturbing, and spoopy works this month.



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