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This idea was started last month and I'd hoped to do more with it with the help of others, but thus far those people have let me down. I know I have a habit of being overbearing when discussing ideas but thats only because I assume most grown ass men should be capable of holding a conversation. There's nothing more annoying than needing to dumb myself down for someone too inept to hold a one-on-one conversation about the things they fucking like.

So I'm just going to write out my ideas here and get your thoughts on them :3

A gay monster themed rpg, who's gameplay would center around fusing your party members into one ferocious body. It would be the inverse rpg, where your not trying to save the world, but instead to become the overgrown final boss that will prevail over humanity.

By rejecting humanity and becoming a monster, you're following the Chaotic RPG path from the very start, but in doing so you'd get to choose the alignment of monster you'd wish to be. One that's Good, Evil, or Neutral. Will you be a monster of peace and whimsy, or will you be a monster wrath and destruction? Or will you become something in between?

Given that this is a gay rpg, monsters are a not-so-subtle-alegory for queer people. For they are feared, hated, and ostracized by an intolerant and dogmatic society for being who they are. A scenario that can easily engender feelings of resentment and self loathing depending on how you slice it. 

And given that act of "outing" oneself immediate throws monsters into an adversarial role against humans, the monsters must decide how they wish to deal with humanity. By either showing how monsters can be a force for good, or by crushing humanity under your feet as you brutally take over the world, or by seeking a neutral route where you are free to do what you wish without the hindrances of morality.

But again to reiterate. This game is NOT about saving the world. This game is about being a monster and indulging in the many strange, goofy, and fetishistic aspects that come with it. With none more iconic to monsters than the act of fusion.

Fusion works because the act of becoming a monster change's one's ordered flesh into strange flesh, a curiously malleable substance that can be shaped and reshaped to the monsters will through the power of imagination. This is how monsters can transform, change their physical attributes, and perform task that no human ever could.

Fusion is thus the union of those disparate possibilities into one body. But this type of fusion doesn't involve any stupid dances or flashes of light. You're not hopping into the teleporter and having your molecules rearranged.  No instead it is as if you and every other monster were made from a kind of living goop, and no matter how hard, spiky, or scaly you may be, you can still meld yourselves together as though you were softer than putty. Provided you're compatible.

Your goals, alignment, and ideals can sway just how easy or difficult a fusion will be. Naturally you wouldn't want to combine with someone you hated, But if you were to find someone trusted or loved, the process could be effortless. This doesn't mean you can't be "softened up". Sex, intoxication, and other factors can lower a monster's resistance to fusing. And of course if all else fails, one could force the fusion by dominating those involved.

Progression wise, I could see abilities being unlocked by fusing with those already have them and then, which could lead to some interesting challenges situations. -Say you need to access the catacombs beneath a cathedral. You could sneak your way in, fight your way in, or maybe you could get the priest drunk and horny enough so that'll combine with you and teach how to bypass door puzzle.

Though it would pay to watch who exactly you're mixing with. If you're going for the evil path, you probably don't want any kind hearted souls watering you down. And if you're looking to do good, you probably don't want any dastardly villains tempting you to do evil. Of course you could always be a slut and fuse with everyone...

Those are all of my thoughts for now :3


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