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Kendra 🦊

She's a yiff fox. A living costume. Another evil, villainous, self infatuated character from me but she's meant to represent a bygone time in the Furry Fandom when the community was smaller and Doug Winger's influence was singlehandedly reshaping yiff as we knew it.

And I keep forgetting to draw her.

None of this is new art (apart from the meme) and you can search for it here on your own. But I wanted to consolidate it all into one post so I keep her fresh within my memory. Because my vacation notwithstanding, I was scheduled to draw her this month and she completely slipped my mind. I'm lookin' at my notes and her name is right there with a paw print doodled next to it.

Consider the floor open to ideas for her. Anything goes honestly. Because right now I'm less concerned with "does that makes sense?" and more [guilty whispering] "I am sooo sorry, Kendra. Let me draw you and fix this 😂"



Luna Saintclaire

Ooh I like her! Maybe a sequence where she's forcing herself on someone or she's forcing another Kendra suit onto someone to turn them into Kendra too

Jun StarBit

You know what to do Mama… transform into a Kendra