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Well over a month has passed, along with a bottle of painkillers, copper compression gloves, and generally resting my hand more often, has resulted in the first day where I'm not feeling pain when I hold my pen. Still, I'm going to be very wary of my hand health going forward.

Incidentally, it took me 15 years, but I'm finally now drawing at a resolution comparable to other artists. 3000x3000px canvases with a size 7 pen width. Because I altered my tablet settings so I wouldn't have to press as hard. It feels good. It feels right.

As for what I'm working on, I have zero plans.

It seems like whenever I set a goal artwise, things end up getting disrupted, so for the foreseeable future, I'm going to go back to my roots and focus on more self contained pieces that can be tackled in a reasonable fashion.

This means you're now locked in here with me, and the game is Russian Roulette... with my fetishes.


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