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Toro is lowkey gross. As a devil, he's made from strange flesh. This is nothing new. But conceptually I envision Toro being a hollow, husky, thick n' jiggly skin overtop an absolutely foul interior that's always filled with a molten hot and smelly, ultra sticky...

... well Toro is a compulsive liar. You can't trust anything he says because his one goal is to get you up his butt so can claim your mind, body, and soul for the rest of eternity. And because he's such a terrible liar, the joke is that he's full of... full of... you know...

And once inside there's no going back


Passing through his ass cheeks marks the point of no return, and very quickly this victims will find themselves combining with the... ...as part of the absorption process.

And if we can get religious real quick, the depravity of the situation is meant to the Osculum Infame taken to the ultimate extreme. Where the sinner's greed, lust, gluttony, or villainy is so great that they would willingly climb up into a devil's perpetually filthy ass. -At which point they're are fully without redemption and therefore no different than the devil that they've climbed into. Hence in the disgusted eyes of heaven they too shall forever be regarded as...



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