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To recap. In February we had to put my dog down, and the resulting stress and anxiety from that lead to injuring my hand earlier this month due to repetitive wrist strain while drawing, meaning that I've been unable to draw ever since.

I said, if I am unable to produce what I feel is adequate then I would pause this billing cycle and not charge you.

Do you understand? Come the end of this month you will NOT be charged for being pledged to me. This month will be regarded as totally free, and you will NOT have to pay. You will NOT owe me pledge money for the month of March 2024.

The reason why I'm restating this is because people have already started walking away, dissatisfied with my output. But I am injured. I literally cannot draw, and because I've paused the billing cycle, you'll lose nothing from remaining pledged until I'm better again.

This month is free. This month is free. This month is free. Please don't abandon me 🙏


Rockaway Carter

Never crossed my mind doll. I ain't abandoning you

Baz Yat

I am going nowhere fam.