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Hello guys, my situation right now isn't the best.

You see, last month we had to put my 10 year old dog down. And while online I may have powered through the grief and trauma from that, I recently succame to a bout of depression, contributed to by the deaths of even more people in my life. And overall my mental state has been a bad way.

I have two mirrors in my work room and both of them are covered up because I felt like I was going insane while looking at them. Lots of dysphoria following my last haircut. 

Well had this all been mental then it probably would have been fine but what I failed to consider the physical toll it would have on my body.

I've been wound up really really tightly and have just been unable to relax during the day, even when I have literally nothing that I have to do. And I guess my body responded by making me sick.

There's been a constellation of symptoms, but specifically 3 days ago when trying to wrap up what I was drawing with Toro, I started getting strong pains in my hands near the ulnar side of my wrist. So I immediately disengaged from drawing and wrapped myself up. I am currently wearing a wrist brace as I type this. 

This isn't how I wanted this month to go, but I need time to rest and recover. And if that means being unable to produce more art for the rest of the month then I may need to pause charging for payments this month so you won't be ripped off. (It depends on whether or not I can bounce back before the end of the month)

I haven't been relaxing, and now my body is demanding I relax.

That being said, because I'm not drawing, I have been doing some writing. Which means while its no substitute for my artwork, you may be getting a story this month that I hope you'll enjoy.

I'm sorry for all of this, everyone but the combination of grief, anxiety, stress, restlessness, and now added dysphoria and bodily injury have taken me down for the count.



Do what you need to do, get well, enjoy a glass of OJ while the mid-night breeze flows through. Don't mean to sound crass in this, but hope to get a laugh out of ya. Other than that, again, take the time you need.

Baz Yat

Do what you need man, take it easy and take a you day.