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If you want to talk about AI in creative works, be it art, chatbots, or video games, I'm not interested in the conversation and am strongly against it.  Bringing it up here will result in an immediate ban.  No warning.  This goes for my discord, too.  If you want to talk about it in a public forum, hey, that's on you.  As long as it's someplace that I'm not in charge of, you have that right.  I will likely not engage with you and, if you're pro-AI, expect me to lose any respect I have for you, but you do you.  If you try to DM me about it on Discord and you're a patron: instant ban here and block on Discord.

These tools are going to affect my livelihood and the livelihood of others.  As far as I'm concerned, anything these tools make is a matter of theft because of how they learned it.  Those who wrote or made art that these tools are generated by were not compensated.  There is no agency going into the making of them and no human element.

Also, if I block you on Discord, getting a membership here to try to reach me is bad form.  Don't.  Do.  It.

That's it.  Rant over.  Back to working on today's comic.


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