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First things first. I got some new editing software that I'm trying out. I haven't decided if I love it or not. On one hand, it does make comic bubbles look so much more natural. On the other, there's some functionality that I wish it had that it doesn't. This was rendered in my normal size but cut to fit each frame. I'm going to make the next page rendered to fit.

How will this new software alter commissions? I'm not sure yet. On one hand, I have more templating options so I can do different numbers of panels per page and make it look more like an actual comic book. This means I'll likely go to a "per X panels" rate if I keep using it. Like my stories, you'd get at least that many panels, possibly more. I'll figure it out. For now, it's still going to based on every six panels until I have a better grasp on things.



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