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The bears all awwed at that

"Of course you aren't, baby, boy! awww..."

"You're our little Benji! Our bestest friend in the whole wide world."

"Yeah, I guess so," said Ben, smiling just a bit. It felt good to have friends again.

"Why don't we get out of here, huh? You can pick your outfit, and then we have lots of adventures planned!"

"Um, well," said Ben, looking at the choices - a pink shirt with a smiley star or a blue shirt with a smiley star - not much of a choice. "I guess blue. But what abotu pants?"

"Well that would just ruin the whole look, woudn't it?" asked Cheer Bear.

"Gotta show off that classic side tie!" said Baby Bear.

Ben was going to ask to go out of the house today, but not in an outfit without pants. Once again, he was led out of the castle to go on more adventures. That's when Grumpy Bear came running up to them.

"You guys! You guys! Hurry! It's Softheart! He's fading away!"

"What do you mean, fading away?" asked Ben, suddenly stepping forward, his worry and protectiveness overwhelming any sense of timidity and embarrassment he had.

"I'll show you! Come quick!"

The trio followed Grumpy Bear to the edge of the Scary Swamp where Scare Bear, a bear with a fur pattern that resembled a skull,  was tending to him. His fur looked faded, almost gray, and his patch was nearly nonexistant.

"Softheart! Softheart! What happened?" asked Ben, kneeling down by his dear friend. He was not not thinking at all about his own appearance. His friend was what mattered in this moment.

"It's hardheart..." groaned Softheart. "He's causing people to shut themselves off... and never feel anything..."

"That's terrible," said Cheer.

"Hold on a second," said Ben, backing away and putting a hand on his temple. "Hold on..."

"W-what's wrong Ben?" said Grumpy, approaching him with an outstretched hand.

"This isn't another life lesson, is it?"

"Well, I mean..."

"No, save it. I know what this is. You're trying to teach me that I need to open up to people because they're really not so bad and it's more unhealthy for me to be closed to relationships than to be open and risk getting hurt. Well, you know what? Fuck that."

"Ben!" gasped Softheart. "Language."

"No, I'm done being manipulated by you. I don't want to be a baby anymore. I thought you were my friends, but you're still just playing a game when it comes down to it, aren't you?"

"Ben, we're here to teach you..." began Softheart.

"And make your life better!" concluded Cheer.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe I'm better off this way?"

Ben waddled off angrily, the thick cloth diaper making his exit a little more comical than dramatic, but still the bears sensed his sadness and anger, and it made them sad as well.

"Gosh, guys. I think we messed up," said Softheart, sitting up, his fur returning to normal. I think we'd better have a chat with Smart Bear."

"I'll go after Ben," said Grumpy Bear. "This is my specialty."

Ben was marching back to the castle, right back the way he came.

"Ben! Ben, wait up," said Grump Bear.

"Why should I?" he asked, continuing his angry march.

"Ben. I know the lessons are a little corny sometimes, but we all mean well. We love you. I love you." Ben stopped for a second, shocked to hear such a heartfelt sentiment come from his grumpy old friend. "Yeah, I'm as shocked as you are to hear me say it, but it's true..."

"Well... I love you to," said Ben, begrudgingly. "It just sucks that... I feel like none of my friends are real," he said, continuing his trek.

"But we are real, Ben," said Grumpy Bear, taking Ben's hand in his two warm paws. "Real bears with real thoughts and feelings. Just like you're a real boy with real thoughts and feelings."

Ben paused again. He could feel the warmth coming from Grumpy Bear's paw. Feel his soft blue fur. Even hear his heavy breathing.

"Grumpy Bear, your breathing... are you... okay?"

"I could use a breather," Grumpy admitted. "I'm not used to this real body, you know?"

He sat down on the side of the path and Ben joined him. "Sorry, I guess I was walking pretty fast..."

"And you got me fired up, you know? You know, you were all we talked about for all that time you were gone... and, well, you can bet that hasn't changed since you came back. I just want you to know that we're really here... here for you, and..."

"And what?" asked Ben.

"And we don't want you to leave us... again..."

"That wasn't my choice," said Ben, getting defensive. "My parents made me-"

"I know," said Grumpy bear, holding up a paw. "I know... It would have been... if it weren't for them."

Ben stopped, tilting his head. Grumpy bear continued.

"Come on, Ben. We know what we are - or at least, what we started out as. There were millions of copies of us, and not one survived this long. We were made to be forgotten."

"I wouldn't forget you guys," said Ben, softly.

"You would have," said Grumpy Bear. He held up a paw before Ben could argue any further. "It's ok. That's the nature of growing up, isn't it? Listen, I know that Smart Bear's plan for all its genius was a bit childish. Despite what you may think, we do each have our own thoughts and perspectives on things. Some may call my perspective pessimistic, but I prefer to call it realistic."

"Grumpy Bear," said Ben.


"You're not talking to me like I'm a baby. I think you might be the first one to do that..."

"Silly boy," said Grumpy Bear, ruffling Ben's hair. "I know you're not a baby. You're just cuter that way."

Ben couldn't help but giggle and blush a bit at that. Being cute didn't feel bad at all, if he was being honest. It felt quite good.

"So you Bears really can think?"


"And... have you always been able to, or... is this something new?"

"We've always been able to."

"But... well, then when I left... you guys were still there that whole time...."

"It was pretty rough when you left, you know. We had to keep ourselves busy, running through our little adventures and stories. And above all, we told ourselves that we had to be ready for when our boy came back. We knew you would. And you did!"

"So... then you really only lived for me. It seems so cruel. So... one sided..."

"Toys. They're made to be enjoyed, then forgotten. Aren't they?"

"Yeah, but you guys are conscious... that's it. I've decided." Ben stood up with a look of determination.

"What?" asked Grumpy Bear, taken aback by Ben's sudden change in mood.]

"I get that my social isolation is unhealthy," said Ben, "But you guys are co-dependent. You can't just live your life for one person. You're living, thinking beings. You need to live for yourselves."

"For ourselves?" asked Grumpy Bear.

"Exactly. Come on, Grumper. Get a move on. This calls for a meeting!"

"Sounds pretty strange to me," said Grumpy Bear, "But okay!"